Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Wonder-filled Intentions and Wishing on Stars (+ Free Colouring Sheet)

Whilst the year is still very young, it already feels like New Year and all the intensity of zealously setting about making a multitude of resolutions and new promises to ourselves is waning. 

But with New Moon this week, now still feels like the perfect time to be mulling over new plans, desires and wishes for the year, albeit with a somewhat gentler, more reflective tone. 

I for one have been slow off the mark with New Year planning and rituals this year - it's not that I'm not buzzing full to the brim with creative ideas, projects, plans as I always am at this time of year - it's more that because there is so much I would like to do, so many possibilities to consider, and so many avenues to explore, I want to take my time, choose wisely, and plan carefully. The few days around and either side of new moon are perfect for this - no matter that it's already the middle of January! 

One of the things on my 'list' for this year is definitely to get back to drawing more. With that in mind, I've re-worked a quick-sketch from the Summer last year into a sweet little colouring sheet - simple, and quick to colour, and a little affirmation on intention setting.

For me, intention setting is a bit like Wishing Upon a Star as a child, or like throwing a penny into a wishing well - whatever action steps or methods you take to make your intentions happen, whether they eventually come true or not... Intention setting is like the grown-up version of making a wish - a wish for something good to come, filled with hope, optimism, and a sense of mystery and wonder. As a child, the wish is simply cast out to the world - into the well, out to the stars, with no real idea how those wishes will come true; just an innocent faith and trust that they really possibly could and somehow will... it is mysterious, and wonder-filled. 

That mystery and wonder - whether we stick to our resolutions in the end or not, have built a new empire by the middle of January or not... can create such a sense of joy and well-being, if we allow it. It can be really energising, to dream, wish, reflect and vision... of course, we will need a good plan if those dreams are to take root - and that might mean coming down to earth a bit, but no harm in taking time - no rush - just to feel some wonder, and Wish Upon a Star!♥ 

To enjoy this colouring sheet Click here to download it as a PDF and maybe even fill it with words, wishes, dreams around the edges too and use it as an affirmation? Happy Wishing and Dreaming!♥