Friday, 10 July 2015

Busy Mama's are like Beautiful Orchids...

It has been such an incredibly busy time lately with school life, all the children's commitments, not to mention all of mine & Vince's extra-curricular activities... it's not that I endorse being so busy (I love it when we slow down!) it's just how things are at the moment...

We are in and out all day long, yet still somehow managing to make the moments in between, when we are wherever we are, really count. Moments of focus, connection, stillness, playfulness, and presence - in between all the running around and needing to be somewhere with something to do before we get there... 

It sometimes amazes me that we manage to achieve anything at all! 

But somehow we do. 

All us mama's do. 

It's almost as if we get so much done because time is so short and we are so focused on family lives... we have to make our time count... and I had the thought today, that we are like Orchids - our constrictions on time and personal space being like the tightly bound roots of the Orchids... their tightly bound roots give them the energy they need to produce wonderful flowers of such deep natural beauty... and so too with us mama's; time might be short, we might not have much space to truly call our own but that can somehow, magically, give us energy and focus if we choose... and oh! the possibilities of what we can do with that presence and energy are beautiful and endless!!

I just wanted to share that thought for all the other busy mama's out there who, time-space & energy poor ther may be - do soooo much for their families, friends, work and communities each and every day and are truly beautiful like Orchids. Happy Friday!!♥