Sooo... It's been a while since my last post... for a whole multitude of reasons - life lived, a holiday, ever-shifting focus between deeply wanting to spend time being there for my children and also working hard to fulfil all my other commitments (home-tending, an exciting project, orders, markets, rainbows etc) as well as all the ideas that keep coming and need for rest... I'm a bit out of the zone when it comes to writing blog posts and not sure how much time I will have over the Christmas season but hope to get up and running with a consistent rhythm again in 2015... meanwhile...
My last post was about putting some SOUL in... this post is about putting some LOVE back in!
I've been feeling my way through my little business since September - whether to take orders or do markets or both... I've done a bit of both, and enjoyed both, and learnt heaps from both... and now that Christmas is alomost upon us have been thinking about where I would really like to place my energy... and my heart tells me to focus on the Fairies!... Magic Wool Fairies...
Since I already have five orders for wool fairies from family and friends, I have decided to go with this for this year...
Not only are they extremely popular, but they are perfect for Christmas - you can use them as decorations for your tree or home, or give them as gifts to young girls - daughters, nieces, God-children - my 10 and 8 year old nieces and their school buddies are huge fans and can vouch for this! Although I must totally stress that it's not just young girls who love 'em! I have found them to be hugely popular accross the board and have already had repeat orders for them :-)
The other major reason I've decided to focus on this is because I genuinely LOVE making to order - I've always crafted for gift-giving, and I always give it so much love and attention to detail as I focus on the joy of the person recieving... And I know I would love spreading the Fairy Joy this Christmas! :-)
Sooooooo I have put together a little offer and it is as follows:
♥ One medium sized hanging Wool Fairy or Mermaid**
♥ You get to choose the colour theme, wool type (soft or rough), hairstylye, and any other small details (or just leave it up to me!!)
♥ 2 x FREE 'A Fairy Merry Christmas' Greetings cards, designed by me, professionally printed, with a gold envelope
♥ FREE 'Rainbow-Love Fairy says Life is a Flower' print in a clip frame***, lovely for a bedroom wall, designed by me and wholeheartedly approved of by my nieces (they are my little market research assistants and are being duly rewarded for their help!! :-) ) Their charming feedback on this print when I emailed them to ask them their oppinion was as follows "Wow that is amazing! We would DEFINATELY buy it! Our friends would
probably think the same thing! It's really cute and colorful and would
be great for a girls bedroom wall and we would give it 10/10! Seriously
it's stunning." Thankyou girls! :-)
** These fairies are not toys, they are for hanging/decorative purposes only.
*** Clip Frame only available on local/hand-deliverable orders as I know from experience fragile glass frames in Royal Mail do not work! The Print will still be included in the offer though!
And this is for the great price of £12.50 plus £2.50 p&p (where applicable)
I will be taking a maximum of 10 orders, so that I have enough time to give the right amount of Love and Attention to each one!
All orders will be completed and delivered on or by Saturday 13th December - anything different will be communicated well in advance!
Please let me know in plenty of time if you would like to make and order, either private message me via my facebook page:
email me:
Or chat to me in person if you see me about!